Wednesday, October 8, 2014

To break and open the cluster computing software for all people save our earth and finishing more freedom rendering animation revolution again?

Although more people can usage the TV box media server to share our favor films or photographs. Regret, none of people can breaking one wall to challenge our Asian TV box exchange to latest cluster computer systems.

In addition, more mini size NUC Intel i7 computer selling in Asia. Unfortunately, we must have wiped out the Microsoft Windows operation system limitation. Really to make us freedom to create and link up the global mini size FPGA computers to use these cluster software series. To break the Google Android system limit. Please everyone will apply this revolution and link up our computers or TV-box to support every scientific researching or free animation rendering projects. To give any working family children enjoys the cute and full of education movies at everywhere. To leading more Asian or foreigners open and creative more interesting education channel world. Not only the Web TV only. The Internet TV not only the Hong Kong government control, we have right to develop and complete every science research necessary. My dream is destroy the Hong Kong government limitation from Internet TV business and education channels.

Every time to push our human cluster computing mile stone, never control by rich people and those self-fish Asia studio corporate. We are need and desire to open and creative our free and freedom animation rendering systems, fighting the cruel commercial world but giving all people fair to vote and select our boundaries and lands.

Watch Apple lay into IBM over the years

Which one can help him to solution more comet researching and breaking our human the end of the world when comets landing on the earth?

Tonight, I came back at home and noted one interesting Youtube film, its introduction the DLR satellite corporate how do they complete our human mile stone, over our new space comet landing and researching at soon. I am proud of Mr. Koen Geurts concert and described his comet landing project for us.

In fact, I felt some question and desire to ask him about space vacuum dynamic when its successful to use and operation inside every comet satellite landing system. Will it save the earth avoid the comet impact and crash? I am sure each comet or space vacuum environment, there is too much chemical material and specially gas let us to discover.

The solar power supply component which facilities will impacting our human house power energy revolution at future, just approve the United States government release. However, too many people will find their necessary and suitable solar power panel to build our high performance and low cost architecture. Here, I hope everyone that will find this film and visit to below Youtube link, discovery more wonderful space project and open our eyes to make every people fortune, living in safety world. Able to avoid the horrible comet crashing and impacting at future, because this is true and always happen in front of each people eyes.

The working of… Philae, the comet lander / Wie funktioniert... der Kometenlander Philae?