I hate the United State government always to attack all countries vehicle industry. More young people never successful to create their automobile world and loss a lot of freedom for their living right.
In my fatherland of the China, I wish this country government will supports more people to development and purchase our country brand names vehicles.
This article soul which target is successful to development Asian mobile children nursing with automobile clinic systems together in any city or town. The other important valuable which is included to make our young people or any other talent inventor research their innovations for any other component, and exchange those elements inside the other industries. There are surround our low costing energy generation systems and children clinic facilities, different style vehicles inside their countries. Do you agree my question? Which children will hate one trust clinic with nice indoor playground inside their friendly movable clinics?
The next challenge that is development one flexible mobile phone clinic booking and high quality customer secretary call back services system for our talent inventors and proficient students at coming soon.