Sunday, January 19, 2014

Asian Automotive & Building Revolution Concept

When you are train fans, I thought you must have heard traditional car-mounted sensors by rail running system to less the traffic accident and assistance the train speeds. It looks like normal but just a little component that is able to save a lot of people life. That's great and proud of the inventors. Here are sharing for everyone to change our architecture anti-shock system detector and automobile acceleration industry new element probability at future. Please follow me and using our imagine to think every possible and works on the world.


According to above photographs, how do you think the architecture steel anti-sock detect possible? In Asia, although it doesn't any special, anyway, this is really interesting to improve some building long term to less the earthquake and feedback the shock frequency for the government and university laboratory centers.

On the other hands, when you are loving to play the existing ice hovercraft. I am dreaming these railway sock detect sensors that will exchange the latest function to increase every player new existing and protection, less the accident risk when the hovercraft in high speeds.

All picture resources and links for every one to keep reference, I wish all people shares for any reader.

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