Target & Mission >> Offers the better and high quality spa shower vocation medical services, challenge the traditional spa vocation business. Breakthrough the traditional nature spa shower limitation, combination the Chinese needle medical methods and scientific acupuncture points, complex human made minerals drink water laboratory. The bigger make money and challenge the skin treatment with latest keep water and moisture technology by nature seaweed material.
To usage and development the latest smart multiple angles spa robot water jet system as duplicate as the Chinese famous needle medical techniques, provide the heat and cool differential for all consumers, solution everyone body sickness, improve body blood system performance and progressive the spa robot water injection technology beyond. On the other hands, every applicant who will take the money back refund into their wallet. The reason of purchase clear water capacity and sponsor the water filtering system open the wholesales make money space. The VIP customer can prepaid one ticket to buy their desire clear minerals water capacity, fighting the water pollution risk, supports the green earth ocean wide-life breeding regeneration project.
The major soul is development our micro-water-injection technique with multiple angle robot systems, automatic to calculate and offers custom-trailer services spa water-injection technology with infrared acupuncture point position checker functions. These infrared checker operation seem optical ruler systems, but it can think and study, smart to follow each end-user provide the better custom-trailer micro-water-injection systems by the Chinese acupuncture points medicine skills.
These researches which component are problem-solve the acupuncture points right position increase the performance in right place and right time, offers the different heat or cool water temperature following the consumer inner necessary.
Below links for everyone to keep reference and think above researches and possible in spa treatment marketing in Asia or Europe.
At the end, above robot spa hospital and vocation center attractive value, that may be added the beauty and hair treatment services as over as normal hair salon.
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