Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Human Lifetime OLED Language Self Learning Kits with computer systems & Brain Wave Radial Ways Development In Commercial Concept

The disease is always killing or impacting all people life on the world. No one can foresee which day that will invent any new medicine to fight unknown disease from space comets. Some people may laugh its and they don't believed its because we have the Mars planet to stop some comets attacked at past time.

None of people will confirm their lifetime scientific technology when its happen and existence lifetime new medicine development possible. When everyone to think our children why do they loss their parents, loss lots talent and better teachers or facing the selfish coaches. I don't know those children how do they keeping to learn, thinking and introspection.

Based on this film to push us be careful to think the human love self learning systems concept possible, help our children and let them leave the witch power, understand the true value and which thing is wrong and right. These human love self learning systems concept which mission is combine the sound access control and Iris or brain radial access controls to operate each teach guide book capture. There are included latest concept for optical projector development to less energy wasting. The reason is desire to solution those end-users no need to annoy and link up the large monitor display. Just one group several different plastic material sheets as like as one paper thin. No battery that project can continual operation the teaching.

One thing is made me interested at below picture. This picture gave me imagine the future large OLED computer display systems. It will offers bigger compress function for every children when they are climbing or standing on the OLED computer display systems.

The Smith Family Film - Early Learning Initiatives

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