I can agree everything that will use the Microsoft but there are necessary available and usefully. The Microsoft cities are better to bring more small towns generation new emerging market opportunity. The secret and rule is offers the Linux freedom and never control the Linux development. The Microsoft can supports and donation a big money to development latest new Microsoft cities world, development our new Microsoft cities digital currency.
The Microsoft empire trouble is always greedy and limitation more people development. The Chinese and some thief whose they are awaiting to challenge your works. No need to write and think, just duplicate and destroy your organization. The Apple Mac world is stepping these horrible cases.
I like the family business and flexible working place and time, everyone can living in available joining available life quality in the world. The Microsoft digital city dream doesn't happen and existence reason, just more thief and Chinese limitation the Microsoft until become to the China.
I love the family business and belong the United States government give up the economic attack under their master mind teaching. We can peace and loving and caring to build the different Microsoft new world, supporting the Linux development until they are entrusted. The Microsoft when accept to donate one fund to protect all Linux distrowatch complete every Chinese law challenge at future. Please give up the Microsoft greedy and avarice, the Microsoft no need to control everyone, because everyone is loving the Microsoft and protecting its. Just those thief and stock holders desire to eat the Microsoft and destroy the United States technology. At the end, I hope all people introspect our family business and inspect our family business which thing continuous survive and creative the god's bread to share everyone live.
In fact, we are never accept and agree the Microsoft become one new energy emerging market possible. The latest garbage Bio-gas is our future and the Microsoft's bright.
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