Saturday, May 31, 2014

My stupid RGB & CMYK password format mention and questions but possible to make everyone progressive and existence all concept become full of potential marketing products on the world.

Although too many consumers using the latest mobile phone wireless door locker systems. Regrettable, I want to find more people try to think below concept overall the wireless security limitation. Of course, when we can freedom to select and setup our house mobile phone wireless door locker encrypt with decrypt options included FDMA + WCDMA at first choice or TDMA + FDMA format at second choice for our examples. That is perfect and really protect our house high security probability.

Unfortunately, here that I would like to ask everyone. Do you like to use your swatch combination the twist wireless encryption and decypt techniques as follow as softdog USB port component to increase your house security performance? Of course, when hotel or mobile phone wireless door locker developers, whose they are appreciated to offer us latest sign draft password services. How much opportunity to make these concept creative more marketing development space? Will it generate 40 million US dollars probability?

The RFID twist secure function such famous and running in different payment card systems. In addition, which one will agree to think and development the RGB or CMYK color password option to protect our house security possible? How many marketing value and development space for each applicant?

I am understand above concept that is looks like unbelievable. However, I am make sure none of anything that will staying in original point. We must keeping to learn or mention any concept, never accept to use one format to stop each people development opportunity.

I thought someone will accept and agree my RGB & CMYK password running concept. At the same, when our mobile phone LED component when its provided the RGB lighting password possible. Do you like to try it and purchase these innovation concept to protect your secure data or house at coming soon? The problem and challenge based on the RGB lighting sensor laboratory and research experience results.

21 th century WiMAX air condition heat sensor & smart temperature system running concept share

Before my Google drive articles, there were wrote and recorded some heat thermal power chip energy generator component to collection the air condition system heat temperature, and matching the several capacitor groups to save electric power for long time expense function, successful to collect each second power energy from air conditional compress gas motor with cool fan part. In Japan scientists and engineers experienced, they like to announce to use two water tank structures collection the air conditional heat temperature, less the outdoor and indoor environment keeping in comfortable temperature at four seasons.

Reviewed the Japanese latest air conditional heat thermal sensor and heat thermal camera innovated, we must have noted the Japanese whose engineers breakthrough the dynamic real time heat temperature detector. Suddenly, if possible that I hope all European, Asian and American follow my article to think below questions as consider as WiMAX long way data transmission resulted. Why none of people able to usage these WiMAX technology assistance the engineers to solution our human 21 th century latest air condition system running concept. Be careful to think several WiMAX data transfer components with real time environment temperature detector components setup in each stand to operation together. Let us to imagine when after collection those real time environment temperature data form different angles and freedom to setup in several standing shelves. To select the WiMAX technology better than the traditional wireless technique reason just because the long way supports over 90 meters and surround under 100 meters. There is desire to breakthrough the Japanese scientists and enterprises registered to stop all people continual development latest air condition innovation possible. The soul is none of people to control our researching and inventions forever. I am appreciated the Chinese and each Asia country approved these challenges, offer our children and students more  development opportunities.

The wall spider robot combination the heat thermal camera with temperature sensor together. How much marketing value to open each retailer or air condition manufacturers wealth? I am awaiting these imagine existence and giving more people benefits and comfortable in our living.

Here are shared my imagine elements to push everyone following. Desire every people will announce the better suggestions overall our air conditional innovated history. But I wish no body will selfish to stop all countries development these usefully latest air condition systems at each time.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

IPS touch screen and WiMAX sound recorder concept to open 21 century new music artist creative freedom and relax

Since I wrote related IPS touch screen development that will stop lots talents seeking their breads. At now, I hope some people will accept to think and develop this concept by smart and smallest sound recorder systems. This machine looks like the small 7 inches tablet module, supports above 4 microphones, and giving the WiMAX data transmission function to make the artist easily to place their sound collect equipment at anywhere.

The Sony walkman is deeply to change our music industry. I thought when we can usage the latest IPS touch screen and link up the WiMAX data signal transmission concept to freedom editing all direction sound effect. Will it impact 21 century new sound recorder history? Suddenly, we must have recalled the VIA chip set corporate. This company made me always remember their PiCO PCB techniques and deeply to change my mind. I am proud of the Taiwan scientist talents and education.

The WiMAX sound effect collection systems when running and supports the studio or musician artists. How much marketing opportunity to lead 21 century go to no register license world probability? Just a little tablet sound recorder module and match several Wimax microphones or 4 physical microphones. Which developer will try to do this project aviator?

I am dreaming our great of the Google enterprise that will help more FPGA programmers breads and open our latest commercial opportunity possible.

I felt something horrible for our children, how do we attractive those talents to learn and touch any difficult C / C+ languages. The IPS touch screen innovated almost controlling our end-users and unable to make those people continual loyal under the traditional Windows or Linux systems. Here is a big alarm. I am understand all Google programmers whose they will laugh and unbelievable above question.

When I thought and recalled those Russian or famous PCB innovation examples, we must remember the oldest calculator systems. If possible, I want to ask one question. Will Google appreciate open your mind and heart to rebuild our long term education PCB million-stone? There are included too many interesting electricity components development space. Everything try to think the FPGA and make these at first more than simple construction ARM industry. Of course, the ARM is very useful and helpful to make more people enjoy the low power computing necessaries. Regret, we cannot open and breakthrough the FPGA world, unable to lead our children to agree the difficult construction FPGA world. In my mind, the FPGA as huge as architecture world, amazing and giving more opportunity for all developers and manufacturers. A little chip set or six chips group freedom by our drawing or building wonderful computing languages to give up any IPS limitation.

Thought I don't have operated the great of IPS touch screen. However, these innovations and development direction such make us convenience. I am understood which IPS touch screen comfortable to use in our spacecraft projects, supports the spacemen easily to operation their computing systems, no need any keyboard and mouse to protect their life and avoid the energy impact.

I hope the great of Google enterprise. When will improve our latest Google systems? And assistance more talents by Linux membership. I love and agree the Google's Android development and marketing. But I wish the Google enterprise appreciated to approve my request. Really to give a hand to supports the traditional Linux. Expand the latest Google mini FPGA world and help more programmers to solution their breads, provide more electricity-manufacturers or aviator developers survive. Because I guess the Google or any other corporation, unable feeding lots breads for those talents. Please my proud of the Google enterprise that will forgive my article and requirement. I know that is too stupid, but I hope our Google enterprise continual growing, but balance our freedom and fair, protect everyone human right, believe the world of peace. Please don't to hate my dream Russian PCB concept and following, matching our latest chip set industry world. I wish more people and children really agree the FPGA marketing and support these unbelievable computing languages.

FPGA computer really full of charms and solution more people feeding and enjoying the breads in the different boundaries.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

To Anti-terror and fight the terrorist latest Global Staff ID card Security Services Concept

Based on my work experienced and understood most terrors desire, whose they are planing to apply some foreign companies and shuttle on global market to hide their terror characters. They want to collection more foreigner personnel data with corporation background to process the fake staff ID card. They can playing the studio or ID accessory business styles. Sometimes, they will pass to sales the Jewelry or luxury swatches standing in front of the European or American. In addition, more people would like to solution their finance trouble and rebuild their businesses. Below blog content, I wish everyone will read and support.

Everyone must hate my mention because that will impact our secret and open our data for the government security department. However, every employee when they are often to do the business and trading among the United States or Europe. I am make sure below concept and mission really helpful to  fight the terrorist and anti-terror on the world, avoid the fake professional traders or studio players.

What is selling point and how many benefit return to each applicant? My concept is issue one data base and offers the ID accessories customers upload their email addresses, corporate data and supports the high security cloud server services for each target consumers via those high performance firewall and cloud servers to transmission data, everything just provide the government in 24 hours monitor, tracking the employee safety and provide the emergency contact hot line on the world. Its combination the high powerful firewall systems and issue the standard global corporate employee ID card concept to protect every applicant life and survive. Thought it seems stupid and expensive, however, I wish all USA business partnership or European professional traders, everyone will settle down and thinking above questions and idea. Why cannot to find one trust high security ID card accessory manufacturer organization to protect your business and finding the useful investment capitals if necessary.

The problem is which one to link up all ID accessory manufacturers and ID card chip set developers cooperation one standard as likes as the VISA qualification entrust certificate? I thought most American and European whose they will agree and support, just this high security ID organization can protect every consumer trust and loyal, though they will be monitored by the government anti-terror department  tracking their characters in 24 hours, confirm their safety and fight the terror possible on the world.

On the other hand, I wish this high security ID organization that will help more small companies successful to find the capitals and provided the better finance problem-solving good suggestions, let all people survive and make their businesses continual growing.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Micro High Speeds X-ray 2D & 3D Image Capture System Concept Because One Organism Researching

Today, I watched one Youtube flash film to introduce the Japanese, whose they are researching the living organisms and development the female medicine possible. Here, thought we have produced the 3D X-ray capture system. Unfortunately, I wish all people able successful breakthrough our biology limitation, never stop and its impossible to control by digital microscope facilities.

That is meaning how do we to assemble those micro X-ray in high speeds and existence surround in 2D or 3D image capture, meaningful and saving the time to collection all data to create a huge data base. Its concept just desire to breakthrough the high speeds X-ray image capture limitation to improve our biology researches and helpful all micro plastic injection industry or micro metal technique boundaries. Though its just small, any way that will help more medicine development and increases more people to apply anti-virus researches. These micro high speeds X-ray image capture system target is challenge the traditional digital nuclear microscope limitation, open and rebuild our rare images data base.

Please find this film link and follow above concept to share any other new idea for all people, invite everyone to think these possible and mention the other latest concept to help more people on the world.

Unraveling the Reproductive Strategy of Living Organisms

Friday, May 9, 2014

Lolita Event Concept & Invite Every Female Feel Free To Order Their Tailor-made Lolita Dressing Concept

Lolita Event Concept & Invite Every Female Feel Free To Order Their Tailor-made Lolita Dressing Concept

This concept is giving more Lolita fans to apply, doing the business and selling the different high technical textile weaving or dying. To invite more working girls or women chance order their loving and secret Lolita dressing, open one area to give every tailor-made customer freedom and no shy dressing and taste every drink or foods.

Target: To keep learning the Chanel fashion hall event concept for every industry link system, included printing, weaving, dying, publishing, digital camera etc.

Public Restaurant Services & Part Time Chef Champion TV Business Concept

Mission: This concept is catch the TV channel and provided low selling prices to services a lot of low salary family or lovers, sitting down in one hall and playing and vote their trust champion chefs. Its concept really full of potentials and successful to make all people to earn their benefits at home. It doesn't TV broadcasting only, this is a chance to make every chef when they don't care to use their day-off joining this event. My dream public restaurant services and TV show is better in lifetime on-air, successful to find the corporations donate some money in every time event.

Target: To push and provide one area for everyone development our kitchen kits, catch the public relationship chance to promote those brand names in front of audience. The bigger soul is development the different style high technology in each component, using this area and chance to find the marketing development opportunity. That will include electronic, housewares, kitchen tools, foods, promote industry techniques etc. The final target is open this area for one country kitchen tool kits brand names to apply, every time to make the finance balance and generate entertainment factor inside this project concept. Every time to provide our audience or customers thinking any other possible and changing our living quality or increasing our living performance, saving lots money if you want and appreciate to vote.

Tonight, I discovered one interested element from the TV. That film shown us lots professional chefs standing in one location and cooking. The audience were enjoyed every chef shared their experienced at the same time.

Suddenly, I thought why cannot give lots chefs come together when they can usage their holidays, sharing their cooking skills and joining a bigger public restaurant services to assistance more people. They are just to pay a little money to buy their wonderful champion foods, and approved TV station to make everyone watching. What do you want?

The interesting component is offers every customer or audience to vote their champion food menu.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

How Do You Imagine The Public Toilet Stations Exchange To One Fund Capital Way Concept & Possible?

Mission: To found one fund solution every distribution social development and rebuilt possible. This idea is find some people donate their money into the movable  public toilet stations money box or e-coin system concept.

Target: Offers our social development capitals and hope every one to donate some money for their little social network organisations. Its concept always to make me recalled some people to sell the little labels on the streets in Hong Kong to solve those social organization capital demand. Regret, not enough people whose they will apply and donate money for those organizations. That's included myself. I felt so sorry. Suddenly, I watched one news in TV box and dreaming when us to use those movable toilet stations collection a little capital for some children or old people. How much benefit return to our social and give some people rebuilt their cities, towns or streets?

Target: No stop to provide our innovation opportunity and development our latest e-coin systems for each social network. The second target is make us to think those movable toilet stations, how many wealth that will generate inside a little toilet facility? How do you exchange those urine become to our wealth and meaningful to give some social organizations survive, rebuild our social medical and education possible.

I am interested the e-coin system development and link up all urine element to generate some wealth. Just a little urine, how do you think this urine value?

Moss Is Very Usefully Little Power Facility To Supports Our Living Necessary Concept

Mission:  To discover and usage the moss plant exchange these wonderful planting to provide a little power generator possible to assistance every facility. Its little plant that will farm closer by our building wall surface or indoor interior designs, every time to control and monitor the moisture percentage become to useful little power to run the lighting or any other electronic components. I am imagine those amazing moss when successful to plant on the building windows or wall, or top of the building roof. Though this concept may not be solution our lighting groups or energy expense. However, its funny idea when able existence in front of all architecture and relationship industry business partners. How much efficiency to bring some people rich?

 Target: Less our public corporation cost control and the government energy expenses etc., the meaningful which target is push our education engage every student or people breakthrough our power generator printed circuit designs, no stop and progressive in every day.  If possible, we must have caught these micro economic opportunity, leading some industries growth and survive.

Here, post this wonderful idea link share to everyone keep reference.

I guess this concept is full of funny and potential to develop in Japan, because more moisture locations that will matching and always generation lifetime little power energy concept, every second offers us different innovation space and development opportunity on the world.