Saturday, May 31, 2014

21 th century WiMAX air condition heat sensor & smart temperature system running concept share

Before my Google drive articles, there were wrote and recorded some heat thermal power chip energy generator component to collection the air condition system heat temperature, and matching the several capacitor groups to save electric power for long time expense function, successful to collect each second power energy from air conditional compress gas motor with cool fan part. In Japan scientists and engineers experienced, they like to announce to use two water tank structures collection the air conditional heat temperature, less the outdoor and indoor environment keeping in comfortable temperature at four seasons.

Reviewed the Japanese latest air conditional heat thermal sensor and heat thermal camera innovated, we must have noted the Japanese whose engineers breakthrough the dynamic real time heat temperature detector. Suddenly, if possible that I hope all European, Asian and American follow my article to think below questions as consider as WiMAX long way data transmission resulted. Why none of people able to usage these WiMAX technology assistance the engineers to solution our human 21 th century latest air condition system running concept. Be careful to think several WiMAX data transfer components with real time environment temperature detector components setup in each stand to operation together. Let us to imagine when after collection those real time environment temperature data form different angles and freedom to setup in several standing shelves. To select the WiMAX technology better than the traditional wireless technique reason just because the long way supports over 90 meters and surround under 100 meters. There is desire to breakthrough the Japanese scientists and enterprises registered to stop all people continual development latest air condition innovation possible. The soul is none of people to control our researching and inventions forever. I am appreciated the Chinese and each Asia country approved these challenges, offer our children and students more  development opportunities.

The wall spider robot combination the heat thermal camera with temperature sensor together. How much marketing value to open each retailer or air condition manufacturers wealth? I am awaiting these imagine existence and giving more people benefits and comfortable in our living.

Here are shared my imagine elements to push everyone following. Desire every people will announce the better suggestions overall our air conditional innovated history. But I wish no body will selfish to stop all countries development these usefully latest air condition systems at each time.

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