Saturday, May 24, 2014

To Anti-terror and fight the terrorist latest Global Staff ID card Security Services Concept

Based on my work experienced and understood most terrors desire, whose they are planing to apply some foreign companies and shuttle on global market to hide their terror characters. They want to collection more foreigner personnel data with corporation background to process the fake staff ID card. They can playing the studio or ID accessory business styles. Sometimes, they will pass to sales the Jewelry or luxury swatches standing in front of the European or American. In addition, more people would like to solution their finance trouble and rebuild their businesses. Below blog content, I wish everyone will read and support.

Everyone must hate my mention because that will impact our secret and open our data for the government security department. However, every employee when they are often to do the business and trading among the United States or Europe. I am make sure below concept and mission really helpful to  fight the terrorist and anti-terror on the world, avoid the fake professional traders or studio players.

What is selling point and how many benefit return to each applicant? My concept is issue one data base and offers the ID accessories customers upload their email addresses, corporate data and supports the high security cloud server services for each target consumers via those high performance firewall and cloud servers to transmission data, everything just provide the government in 24 hours monitor, tracking the employee safety and provide the emergency contact hot line on the world. Its combination the high powerful firewall systems and issue the standard global corporate employee ID card concept to protect every applicant life and survive. Thought it seems stupid and expensive, however, I wish all USA business partnership or European professional traders, everyone will settle down and thinking above questions and idea. Why cannot to find one trust high security ID card accessory manufacturer organization to protect your business and finding the useful investment capitals if necessary.

The problem is which one to link up all ID accessory manufacturers and ID card chip set developers cooperation one standard as likes as the VISA qualification entrust certificate? I thought most American and European whose they will agree and support, just this high security ID organization can protect every consumer trust and loyal, though they will be monitored by the government anti-terror department  tracking their characters in 24 hours, confirm their safety and fight the terror possible on the world.

On the other hand, I wish this high security ID organization that will help more small companies successful to find the capitals and provided the better finance problem-solving good suggestions, let all people survive and make their businesses continual growing.

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