Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Latest Internet Online banking swatch / watch graphic barcode passwords generator module concept and running possible to invite every one challenge

Since I was wrote related latest home door locker and door key development concept. At this time, when we are imagine the random bar-code generator and two time or three time passwords insert procedures inside a little swatch device module, no need any hand input process. These passwords operation and running concept that will solution more people avoid remember lots passwords necessary.

The mission is push our watches or swatches, the timer equipment can offers graphic passwords for each online banking account owner protect their wealth, no password insert procedure, but they are just use their graphic passwords to pass and into target online banking account. The challenge is how do we attractive everyone to accept the graphic barcode / graphic bar-code  reader in our living.

To reform online banking services start from the swatch passwords generator and swatch password keys.

You will laugh my three time passwords operation method, but my target and these concept missions. To development latest passwords computing systems, and matching any other radial frequency device technology innovated. The Android swatch module and touch screen keyboard default setting such suitable to open our three time passwords high security performance way. To give every manufacturer or developer more cooperation space. These latest security swatch module concept is usefully to use and running in traditional online banking services, increasing the safety operation possible in Internet risk and computing hack leak probability. These swatch passwords generator and swatch password keys such of security powerful to help the bankers solution more leaks in risk management.

At the end, I hope everyone, please be careful to think and imagine two time bar-code insets and one time paper password insert running concept. How many risk or leak to make the hackers or thefts silent to steal your money from your Internet shadow?


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