Too much people will request some tool kits to find their parents in outdoor, confirm their location and fastest keep contact relation government departments. The problem is almost old people emergency alarm and connect phone doesn't easily to make each end-user followed the menu guide, they will forget the correct operation and incorrect to use those facilities.
At now, I am truly to invite everyone, which one will vote my mention and new idea to solution any old people provide safety emergency kits suggestion? My idea is very simple, because simple is professional resource and root.
When we can imagine the cloth or gloves built-in small size LED end-user address display. In addition, the old people emergency cloth or pant which structure installed full set internal emergency mobile phone printed circuit board, every time let every old people family tree direct to find and confirm their location, confirm their parents position, and using two ways to take their parents go home. The first way is suggest to use old people emergency cloth or pant remote administration operation systems for all consumers. They can use these systems at home or office. or standing in street via the different operation systems included mobile phone or any other computing systems. To give each consumer easily prove these emergency cloth or pant series direct contact the government departments, save the old people go home or delivery in hospital network. The second way is provide the consumer more determine opportunity to community with parents. At the same time, the old people can use these emergency cloth or pant to contact their family tree or selection several program direct phone number in emergency systems, less their damage or accident probability at home or staying in outdoor.
The consumer has right to contact government departments, finding which employee is nearby their parents, and note those old people emergency cloth or pant too kits LCD display, leading those old people safe and go home or contact the doctor. Just a little component concept change. How much efficiency to solution every old people and family tree trouble? How do it generation more people commercial and marketing development opportunity? I am interested, are you too? Here is included one question, how do you solve the mobile phone printed circuit board built-in these emergency cloth or pant?
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