Friday, December 19, 2014

Rail Gun Capacitor Bank & All Universities Link Up New Competitive Pricing Long Way Communication Business With Internet Services Concept

The Mission: Group up every university Intranet systems to cooperation all distribution data banks provide available low prices long way communication enterprise in the world.

Target: Push the cube mini satellite launches via different craft series. No need to find the space rocket in a big map. Offers the global customer services department in each university and selling team builds in each potential distribution, provide several language customer services and desire to develop quick and easy FAQ customer self solve & buy additional services system concept. To lead and attractive all potential customers via street mobile order systems to buy one set Internet network card with router equipment at home. That will use and link up all data bank memberships to build and promote their special hobbies benefits. Why do you need to apply and share your discovery inside this available low prices long way communication enterprise.

I wish all people please support this suggestion and recalled 90's Japanese Docomo mobile cell phone social networks concept. How did they fight win the iPod market history in Japan? Because the different funny and cute hobby groups to link up everyone, let them freedom to share and announce their dream, gave all people forgot any annoy in work or family.

The major soul and selling key point just let us to announce your special innovations share in the world. No need to think any register but just freedom and brave to announce yourself. Let every membership existence and exchange your components or concept become wealth and return little rewards for each applicant.

Followed above project concept milestone, I wish each distribution membership sale and promote different self-assemble free energy facility for the consumers. If possible, home free energy consumption system when really successful to make client orders. The next aim is suggestion and mail any latest small household or electric innovation products in front of potential customer eyes when necessary. The exhibition or pioneer lecture is better to run and touch everyone great sale option.

At the end and final destination target is long time support the Unix and Linux development, assistance the BOINC or any other network computing development organization, as same as EDGES@home.

Another big challenge is none of selfish to supports every university complete any rail gun capacitor bank series, one side to research, the next side is solve energy expenses.

Picture resoucred from below links for our keep reference and think.

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