Really fantastic Bottleneck data industry and its full of potential let more people creative new jobs, opportunity, included airline pilot administration, ocean marine tracking, astronomy disaster alarm monitoring and Internet data routing automatic transmission avoid spy or fraud for each banking and finance transaction secure.
The soul is mind modeling as human brain as automatic allocation all data into correct direction or position. Every second according to end-user or movable craft analysis their changing. The mind modeling limitation that is relation nation commercial competitive or spy fraud.
In latest green chemical extreme cooling nuclear energy business boundary, none of people can reject these bottleneck data industry charming. The education and open small companies progressive which things must get entrusted investor and high risk investment organization support. We need save human solution any disaster and any other commercial data safety complete every transmission or transaction per day and second.
Regret, more Asian doesn't enjoy the mind modeling education and no chance to push these amazing bottleneck data education revolution. Because we need study what is peace and confident, give up terrorist minding. Everyone has right to against some politicians minding and requires, but we need settle down and brave to save the human creative survive opportunity, breakthrough currency limitation by policy and religion. I am sure lots Muslim people whose they are loving peace and respect our earth.
I am belong the future GreenDino which invented that will bring us enjoying fantastic latest mind modeling research resulted. Thanks the reported.
Near-Earth Asteroid 3753 Cruithne
Article Reference: Earth’s Other ‘Moon’ And Its Crazy Orbit Could Reveal Mysteries Of The Solar System
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