Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Microsoft's Children Micro Banking Concept & Digital Currency Robot Theory

Do you agree your children saving their little blood money inside the Microsoft's children micro banking? The answer that I do and support every children available allocation their wealth and saving.

In Hong Kong or Asia countries, we can purchase lots fake games and confusing every game package which one is true. When Microsoft Bing mobile tablet really existence and offers second hand marketing. What do you think this Microsoft's children micro banking concept? The children can saving and joining the Microsoft micro investment planes. They have right to buy their favorite games and resell inside the Microsoft Bing tablet second hand marketing world, let some low income family children purchase.

Another interesting to push this Microsoft's children micro banking reason, that is Microsoft language education and long term investment between parent and children. They can visit these Microsoft children robot banker assistant series. Each robot banker assistant will leading all children step by step to find some resources study their Microsoft latest computing languages in life if they are loving the Microsoft dream world.

Before I wrote the Royal post office revolution concept. At now, we can imagine those recycling material indices if showing in front of those Microsoft's children client. How much benefit and active to push Microsoft's material recycle indices surround the parent and children?

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