Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reburn The Linux Animation Industry & Making The VLC media scientific & business survive concept share

I hope all people to save the VLC media business development, if possible why didn't to met up all educate authors open their works inside the latest VLC media scientific laboratory education TV channel fund, solution more children slack the better resources in school or not enough money family children, study the correct and usefully digital education revolution from the LINUX VLC media researches. When we are ponder the VLC media development history, that will hurt more freedom animation producers, lost their ways and timing in life. More educate tool kits which thing doesn't enough clear explanation and understanding procedure for all students. The talent may be solved your limitation but who can foresee if they don't know anything until they can usage their magic as power as British Malim's myth story. The trouble is that man demand to learn how to read and using his magic book, understand these special magic signs.

More people are forgetting the blender animation development history, and none of people able easily to use the VLC media in Asia market. A lot of freedom animation producers and draft staffs whose they are not enough supporting from the blender animation. In Hong Kong's Fedora Linux edition, very difficult to join the Asia VLC software, just let us to use the Microsoft media player to watch any thing.

The free Linux home animation color render cluster home edition such difficult to install and open for all animation fans to creative their works, just the Hong Kong artists holding and using. This is unfair, but I knew anything that must have invested or donated. Do we pay the Internet month fee as same about? Have we got right to use the free Linux render cluster software? Because we are using the Google and any relation Internet servers via different routing machines. Does it meaning investment?

You will laugh that I am a stupid and I don't know anything among the blender animation and the VLC media businesses. However, I want to mention all people to vote and creative new digital educate revolution against the rich people holding our children latest digital education right, leading all teachers assistance any animation creator to explanation the math procedure and how do they open successful thinking with fun imagine possible. It is first term only.

The clear educate explanation and step by step procedure which thing to help our children and students better to study in life. Which parent can brave to objection my mention and challenge? A lot of frauds sleeping but getting smart to duplicate anyone answer. Of course, they have right to share the better research resulted and discovery etc.

This VLC media education TV fund income resource come from different product series or gifts, pushing and attractive every children keep progressive to learn and brave to announce, appreciated listening to some people rejects, thinking the better development methods again.

We need the health and encourage more young people starting their businesses in any boundary, not education only, anything is better and just necessary to invest a little capital from your friends as mirror as eBay or Google..................





The Google Math Teacher Android Chrome Tool of The GeoGebra


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