Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sniper Movie & American Nightmare To Duplicate The WWII Pacific Ocean War Story Bring Us What's Lesson

Although American released all Asian to fight the Japanese in pacific ocean war, protected too much people life but we knew something rules as McDonald never destroy his enemies as happened in American soul and blood.

Please everyone to ponder this topic as below posted.
Sniper Movie & American Nightmare To Duplicate The WWII Pacific Ocean War Story Bring Us What's Lesson

The well-known American army leader Waterloo in Asia, and woken up the Japanese industries grown overcome the United States administration in 70's. The Toyota is one of better example breakthrough United States secure limitation and turn over all American automobile industry supply chain, and impacting the US economic until right now.

The Japanese economic attacks stories and silent holding the American lands and using their soil exchange big investor to play their gambling and doing some unknown transaction with other countries impacting the USA future.

The Iraq war as American nightmare as gluing all people mind and blood. I don't know the United States president power and confuse his leading in there. Did he duplicate the Iraq as same about the Japanese WWII woken-up again to turn over all american economic? He will laugh and he don't believe it. Because I am Chinese and I don't know anything. The US army's children doesn't understand and unable to win for themselves., just study the bloody and usage any high technology to prove their talent.

My chess skills so worse and a beginner. How do we study the Japanese overcame the famous US army leader history pages? Why did they duplicate the fault and teaching their enemies silent to place in global, side by side become to somebody tool impacting our world and economic? Terrorist may be not meaning Islamic or Muslim, it will explanation some people. I guess the terrorist may be fur as any other color skin.

I like Islamic and believed Muslim peace, too many clever traders and full of potentials. When US government not a stupid and understand stupid to stupid rule, they will prove all american none of stupid, none of people loving to taste bloody.

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