Saturday, March 7, 2015

WikiLeaks Future & Beyond Their Develop How Do They Breakthrough Challenge

The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

September 20, 2014 15:16

I confuse the WikiLeaks survival and too much limitation to stop all people protect their right. In my mind, the WilkiLeaks must have developed long way telecom and cheap Internet company cooperation all people to found this big map. Will he hire me? Although I don't know what is Internet technique. If he accepted that I do. The sales and solution any other client installation questions are very important. We need to prove and strong to show everyone, the WikiLeaks never no need spy and just according to the true color people and reporter protect all people.

The Google search engine and marketing such professional, but we have right to develop different styles search engine series in the world, donation and supporting all data basic development with data compress research challenges possible. 

This future WikiLeaks big map when its existence and running, the next target is publishing the true history books and bargain all authors to republish their original works to against those greedy rich people included Chinese and estate developers, insurance enterprises.

The dreaming WikiLeaks that will develop as new bone as Microsoft's Bing based on the WikiLeaks search engine with long way telecom services etc. The WikiLeasks doesn't the Google enemy. 

We need to judge the insurance and drugs benefits or profit shares how do they impacting all people healthy. The supermarket retail channels and all kinds of interesting food brand names, which things relationship to share their darkness transaction in the world.

The dream and parade WikiLeaks that will become the true entrusted consumer guidance, offers the true and safety survey laboratory consumer guarantee services to against those greedy business holders, stop the silent murder and time line blood bomb, stop and break the horrible protein foods project to testing all people brain and body extreme level. 

To monitoring the Welfare quality and when after old people death how do business holders sharing those wealth and banking accounts. To confuse and judge those miracle silent banking accounts how do they running to assistance all crime organizations. The dream WikiLeaks that will protect all people right to make the police success when its existence. The WikiLeaks isn't the Google shadow but this brand name has right to build up their data base green super computer facility and balance their finance, making this association long term running until the end of the world.

The dream WikiLeaks server that will place in several nations and offer Blogs, email functions. The green cooling system is first choice for the WikiLeaks to build their global history secure data base search engine aviator.

At the end, the WikiLeaks T-shirt shop is well. Regret, I hope these things target is continual long term to development health computer network education included routing technical etc, fighting the human right and break the secure leak for all banking customers. Did you remember the OpenBSD fund, this fund mission was helped more programmers fight the copy right laws. The WikiLeaks wearing shop meaningful when it can supports all publishers fighting the government unfair or ugly traders.

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